
Complete Any Business Transactions Immediately with Post-paid Disbursement

Settle invoice payments without having to worry about cash flow issues. Transact first with BrickFlex, and top up the fund later
Pembayaran Bata Dasbor Massal
Immediate Invoice Payments

Cash Flow Issues Can Create Late Invoice Payments

Invoice settlement becomes a huge problem if you can't pay on time

BrickFlex Post-paid Disbursement

Brick Flex comes as the solution to pay invoices real-time. You will only need need to pay for settlement fees by end of each period
Brick Dashboard

Brick Flex Excellence

Pay vendor without gap time

Build a better vendor relation by paying invoices on time

Safe cash flow

No need to worry about cash flow issue. Settle invoices now, pay later

Fast business growth

Pay invoices faster to get access to product and services that could leverage your business growth

Coba Geratis Sekarang

Optimalkan operasi keuangan Anda dengan efisien. Kelola keuangan lebih baik dan kembangkan bisnis Anda dengan lebih mudah bersama Brick.