About Us

Building the #1 B2B Payments and Data Aggregation Plaform for Southeast Asia

We are dedicated to empowering the next generation of fintech companies with our Open Finance API technology infrastructure, which is seamless to integrate, cost-effective, and inclusive.
Difficult Payments Processing
Our Story

We Are Brick

We specialize in developing financial APIs for fintech products in Southeast Asia, with a particular focus on Indonesia. Our APIs streamline data input to enhance conversions for fintech companies.
We strive to simplify and enhance the processing of end-users' financial data digitally to meet the personalized needs of every fintech company.

Established in 2020

The rise of needs for financial infrastructure in Southeast Asia pushes us to build a modern fintech experience for both end-users and businesses. We are here to fulfill those needs and support the improvement of fintech ecosystem.

Our Mission

We want increase financial inclusion for 500+ million individuals and SMBs in Southeast Asia - by empowering businesses to build amazing innovation that serves different type of needs.

Our Values

globe impact


We are here to improve financial inclusion through enabling access to a wider coverage of key financial services for the 500+ million individuals and small businesses in Southeast Asia


It is a privilege for us to be a change maker in the fintech ecosystem, working alongside financial institutions with wide coverage and tech companies

Customer Centric

We care about people, from our partners and clients to their end-users. We constantly focus on bringing value to the people we touch
brick co founder

Siapa Kami

Kami adalah Brick. Kami membangun API finansial untuk berbagai perusahaan di Asia Tenggara, khususnya di Indonesia. Kami hadir untuk memberikan kemudahan dan pengalaman untuk mengirim uang dan memproses data finansial pengguna akhir secara digital.

Misi Kami

Dimulai pada tahun 2020, kami sadar akan meningkatnya kebutuhan infrastruktur keuangan yang mutakhir bagi perusahaan di Asia Tenggara. Kami ingin meningkatkan inklusi keuangan untuk 500+ juta individu dan bisnis di Asia Tenggara - dengan mendorong bisnis untuk membangun produk inovatif yang terpersonalisasi untuk berbagai kebutuhan individu.

Nilai-nilai Kami

globe impact


Kami ada untuk meningkatkan inklusi keuangan dengan cara membuka akses layanan keuangan dengan cakupan yang lebih luas untuk 500+ juta individu dan bisnis di Asia Tenggara


Merupakan sebuah kebanggaan bagi kami sebagai pembawa perubahan dalam ekosistem fintech dengan bekerja sama dengan berbagai institusi keuangan dengan cakupan yang luas

Fokus Pada Pelanggan

Kami peduli dengan klien kami dan pengguna mereka. Kami terus-menerus fokus untuk memberikan nilai kepada pihak-pihak yang terhubung dengan kami

Tim Kami

gavin - round
Gavin Tan
Co-Founder & CEO
Former early executive of Aspire
deepak brick
Deepak Malhotra
Co-Founder & CTO
Co-founder & former CTO of Slice
donny efran
Donny Erfan
Director of Payments
Former director of TrueMoney and former business head of Paypro and Indosat
erick brick
Erick Estrada
Director of Engineering
Former VP of engineering of Otten Coffee and Uang Teman
Gumilar Hadikusumah
Director of Data & Verification
Former business head of Umma, Xfers, and EasyPay
kumila rasha
Kuamila Rasha
Head of Legal
Former legal head of TrueMoney and Uang Teman
Rihanza Fadlitya
Head of Sales
Former BD head of Gigacover, OYO, and Metroney
Donnie Silalahi
Head of Operations
Former growth head of Aspire and Founder of Mitraloka

We're hiring

Jika Anda ingin membangun produk yang dapat meningkatkan inklusi keuangan, bergabunglah sebagai Bricksters!
We are recruiting!

Meet Our Team

If you want to build product that improve financial inclusion, join us as Bricksters!

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

Gavin Tan
Co-Founder & CEO
Former Early Executive at Aspire
deepak malhotra
Deepak Malhotra
Co-Founder & CTO
Co-founder & former CTO at Slice
Gumilar Hadikusumah
Director of Data and Verification
Former VP Product at Umma and Head of Business at Xfers
erick estrada
Erick Estrada
Director of Engineering
Former VP of Engineering at Otten Coffee and Uang Teman
Donnie Silalahi
Head of Operations
Former Head of Growth at Aspire
ankit malhotra
Ankit Malhotra
Lead Product Manager
Former Co-founder of ErothTech & ex team member of Slice
team 4
Dede Herdiansyah
Business Development Lead
Former Country Director at TINVIO & Head of Commercial at TaniHub
muh yasir
Muhamad Yasir
Head of People
Former Head of HRGA at Pinduit Teknologi Indonesia (Pintek)
denny andrean
Denny Andrean
Finance Manager
Former Finance Manager at Deliveree & Senior Auditor at Ernst & Young