Send Money

One Click, 20,000+ Transactions: Swap Bank Hassles for Speed and Efficiency!

Simplify bulk payments with BrickPay's one-click solution for 20,000 transactions to 140 institutions, cutting out the hassle of bank transfers.
desk-laptop hand
Successful Experience with Brick Clients

Client Brick

Switch to an easier and smarter process
Old Way
New Way

Update your bulk payment system with BrickPay:
Efficient, Economical and Secure

Multi-Institution Transactions

20,000+ transactions to 140+ institutions in one click, without transfer details.

Efficient Transaction Routing

Find the best route from Rp. 1,000 per transaction automatically.

Easy to Use Interface

Easily register a company, select inputs according to volume, and monitor payments.

Error-Free Smart Routing

Smart routing for error-free transactions, switching if the connection fails.

Efficient Bulk Payments

Upload Excel, send funds to all destination accounts in one click.
Enjoy Easy Transactions Anytime, Unlimited Hours!

Services Available 24/7 Without Time Limit

We are at your service 24/7 with no time limit. Transact your needs anytime, day or night, with comfort and convenience without worrying about time limits.
smile - looking at screen
intelegent error detection
Optimize Your Financial Process with Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent Error Detection and Resolution Technology: Artificial Intelligence Solution for Financial Error Handling

Enhance business accuracy and efficiency with our intelligent error detection technology. Quickly resolve financial errors, from invalid bank codes to incorrect salary figures.
How Brick Products and Services Help Your Clients

Smart transaction management and business cash flow management.

Powerful, self-serve product and growth analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by over 4,000 startups.

Receive payment

Monitor and confirm receipt of payments from various business partners automatically and accurately

API Integration

Brick provides an API that helps you build send money capabilities into your system!
Why Brick?

Ease of Use

Transfer to various destinations, including bank accounts, virtual accounts and e-wallets. Our services cover more than 81 banks and continue to grow.

Cost Savings

With Brick, you only pay for successful transactions. Goodbye to integration fees, maintenance fees and other hidden costs.

Easy Integration

Seamlessly integrate Brick into your platform using our API or access through an easy-to-use dashboard.

Customer Support

Our reliable customer support team is ready to assist you at any time.
Our Services and Pricing:
bi-fast logo
Starting from
/ Transactions
140+ Other Bank Transfers
Starting from
/ Transactions
Virtual Account
Starting from
/ Transactions
Starting from
/ Transactions

Brick Payment Automation Solutions for Various Business Needs

salary payment

Salary Distribution

Easily automate salary payments to employees through various banks, saving time and ensuring accuracy.
supplier payment

Supplier Payment

Simplify payments to various suppliers, reducing manual effort and errors.
loan disbursement

Loan Disbursement

Efficient disbursement of loans to borrowers through various banks, ensuring quick transfer of funds.
dsb claim

Disbursement of Insurance Claims

Facilitate the disbursement of insurance claims, ensuring timely and accurate payments.
pembayaran freelancer

Gig Economy Worker Pay

Trouble-free payments to freelancers and gig economy workers on varying schedules.
dividen payment

Dividend Payment

Simplify dividend payments to shareholders, reducing administrative work.
id woman on event

Scholarship and Grant Disbursement

Easy distribution of scholarship and grant funds to students and researchers.
onboarding employee

Employee Expense Reimbursement

Simplify reimbursement of employee expenses, ensuring timely payment.
salary payment

Commission Payment

Automation of commission payments to sales agents or partners, ensuring accuracy.

Government Subsidies and Social Assistance Payments

Efficient distribution of subsidies and social assistance funds.
smilling muslim

Utility Bill Payment

Simplifies paying utility bills in bulk, reducing errors and saving time.
volunteer concept

Marketing Incentives and Gifts

Quickly distribute marketing incentives and rewards to stakeholders.
shopping - tab

Payment on E-commerce Platforms

Efficiently channel payments to sellers on e-commerce platforms for secure transfers.

Payment of Event or Contest Prizes

Simplify prize disbursement for events or contests, ensuring accuracy.
child parent hand

Donation and Funding for Non-Profit Organizations

Facilitate the transparent distribution of donations and fundraising results.
Ready to Transform Your Business to Be More Advanced and Efficient?
Peace of mind, smooth financial transactions, and up to 90% savings! Start now to optimize your business financial journey with more confidence.