investment solution
Our Solution

Utilize Investment Data, Meet Customer Needs with Precision

Identify user investment behavior patterns carefully and comprehensively on various leading investment platforms in Indonesia.
Investment Identity
Total asset value

Example of Using Brick Investment Data API

user financial management

User Financial Management

Optimize your business customer's financial conditions by collecting investment data and asset ownership in more depth.


Get user investment data and asset ownership information to make more accurate credit decisions using the Brick Investment Data API.

How Brick Investment Data API Works

Once you get the user access token from the Brick widget, the Transaction Endpoint will allow the developer to receive investment data and asset portfolios authorized by the user for a certain 'user_access_token'.

Request Code

  "status": 200,
  "message": "OK",
  "lastUpdateAt": "2022-01-04 16:42 GMT+0700",
  "session": "valid",
  "data": {
    "sid": "IDD0706B572000",
    "name": "Pasek Sujana",
    "phone": "081806000000",
    "email": "",
    "risk_profile": "Low - Medium Risk",
    "bank_account": [
        "bank_name": "Bank Central Asia (BCA)",
        "holder": "Pasek Sujana",
        "number": "4491320000",
        "balance": 0,
        "type": "Personal"
        "bank_name": "BCA",
        "holder": "Pasek Sujana",
        "number": "4996740000",
        "balance": 133520,
        "type": "RDN"

Benefits of Using Brick Transaction Data API

Comprehensive Data

Provides comprehensive information data on investments and asset portfolios for your business user profile and insights.

Continuous Transaction Data Updates

Data updates as desired. Stay informed by receiving notifications via webhook every time there are the latest investments or asset ownership related to the connected account.

Trusted Data Source

Real-time data from verified sources allows you to use this data without worrying about information accuracy

Integrate Brick for Your Business Now

Prepare a personalized product and service strategy for your business with the Brick API! Gain an edge in development with advanced personalization capabilities to meet customer needs.